3rd March 2024

Moon and Roses Ltd - Our Story, a search for well being

Moon and Roses Ltd – In the beginning!


Moon and Roses Ltd was born after Moon took Rose to a holistic fair. Moon is very much into anything holistic but Rose was a bit dubious to say the least! Moon is a Usui Reiki Practioner and was always telling Rose about Chakras and healing energy, to which Rose would politely listen. After sitting through a Holy Fire Reiki session Moon thought she had completely lost any chance of turning Rose to the Holistic side but then a miracle happened and Rose had some reflexology! Well, I don’t know what magic the reflexologist put into Roses’s feet but after that Rose was talking about how lovely it would be to do something ‘nice’ for a living, now don’t get me wrong Rose isn’t an executioner or anything like that but she does have a very stressful job. As we walked around the stalls Rose turned to me and said what about making nice aromatherapy bath bombs and wax melts. We started talking about all the products we could make and how we wanted to make things that would benefit people, and with that Moon and Rose became Moon and Roses Ltd.

After many months of study, trial and error, trying again and again and again we had created four blends of essential oil; Relaxing, Energising, Calming and Indulging. They smell divine and we are extremely proud of them. Next we had to decide what we were going to make with these blends. Moon loves baths and could spend an absolute fortune on Bath Bombs, Moon is very partial to self care and understands the need for having a self care routine to help them sleep, be calm and relaxed. Having a chronic pain condition means Moon really has to look after herself and has always found epsom salt baths to be a God send. That’s where The Spa Bomb came to life, fast forward a few more months of getting the recipe just right and making sure it was compliant and a beautiful bath bomb made with epsom salts amongst other things was perfected. Now bath bombs are great but Moon also likes bubbles in her bath and some moisturising properties so on top of the fizzy base, a bubble icing was added and then a cocoa butter melt, making bath bomb perfection! At this time Rose was busy working on her wax melt recipe, adding rose petals and lemon peel to her creations to make them look beautiful and naturally they were moon, rose and star shaped! Rose eventually decided she preferred the look of coconut and soy wax and liked the scent that the essential oil blends gave off when combined with the wax. We had two products in the bag!

3rd March, 2024

Two Products in the Bag!!

You can't start a business with two products thought can you?? If we were really going to make a go of it and make it a proper business we had to get some more products designed and quickly! It was coming up to Christmas and we needed to make some money to cover what we had spent on the studying, ingredients and research. Another product Moon loved was Whipped Sugar Scrub (whats not to like, exfoliating, lathering, gorgeousness)! We had the essential oil blends so we could basically put them in whatever we wanted, so why not Whipped Sugar Scrub?

Planning and researching Whipped Sugar Scrub started on Moons side, while Rose got cracking on some Shower Steamers! The vision was complete aromatherapy heaven whether in the bath, shower, on the go or in the home. There's no denying essential oils have properties which enhance well being and using those essential oils can help alleviate many problems us humans have in this mad world. Stress, anxiety, troubles sleeping, lack of motivation, lack of energy, the list goes on!

The whole idea of Moon and Roses starting up was, as Rose said "To do something nice" and what is nicer than helping lots of people at the same time with absolutely gorgeous smelling products we made ourselves. Its nice for us and its nice for them, everyone's a winner!

So, we've now got four essential oil blends and four products! Lots of hard work had paid off and Moon can stop spending money on bath bombs and whipped sugar scrub!

4th March 2024

Production, Production, Production!!!!
Producing well being

Four essential oil blends and four products created we needed to start making the products we had spent so long working on, testing, tweaking and tampering with!!

The Rose said we should do some markets! Moon agreed however would much rather be firmly planted in front of a laptop working on online sales than actually have to leave her home! Rose didn't just book any market, she decided to go big or go home and went for The Piece Hall Christmas Market in Halifax (beautiful place, well worth a visit). The Piece Hall Christmas Market was a three day market, from ten in the morning to eight at night. These hours made Moon recoil with fear! Both Moon and Rose have chronic illnesses, however Rose seems much more able to deal with life than Moon does!

WIth the Christmas market booked, Moon and Rose had to decide how many products they had to make, this was no mean feat! They'd never done a market before, they'd never had a business before, they had never (until months ago) made products to sell before! We both decided we would rather have too many products than too few, if they didn't sell at the market at least we had some and with a shelf life of twelve months there was no issue in having too many (they reasoned this but try carrying boxes of bath bombs with a bad back!)

Now the decision was made! We needed lots of products! "How many bath bombs do you think we need?" pondered Moon. "Probably about four hundred." mused Rose.




I leave space there to represent the blankness of Moon's brain when the words four hundred were spoken.



So, four weeks until the fair and four hundred bath bombs and many pots of whipped sugar scrub to make Moon set to work!

Rose began mass production of wax melts and shower steamers while attempting to manage her chronic illness and two primary age children and a full time job and a very stressed Moon!

The Road To Market - where well being lives (for you, we're still dazed!)

Four Weeks of Bicarb!


6th March 2024


Four weeks flew by in a puff of bicarb. Moon was never the same again, we don’t know if it was the stress, the bicarb or the amount of essential oil she inhaled (she does wear protection) but she was on the edge, and not of glory!

Her living room had stacks of boxes filled with gorgeous smelling bath bombs but Moons love for bath bombs was definitely waning! However, the whipped sugar scrub was keeping her going, any left over from a batch she squirreled away for herself or gave a bit to Rose and that made them both very happy as its a beautiful product!

Meanwhile Rose had to buy a shelf for her hallway, filling it with supplies, wax melts and shower steamers, she was lost in a flurry of labels, boxes, wax melt burners and amazon packages but luckily her kids found her after 3 days and brought her back to reality.

Dazed and confused Moon and Rose were market ready!


Market Ready!!!

Market Ready!!

Moon and Roses Ltd go to Market!

On a freezing cold Friday morning in November Moon and Rose embarked on a 3 day adventure at The Piece Hall in Halifax. Full of nerves and a mix of excitement and anxiety they set their stall up for the very first time! After major issues with their pop up sign and a lot of sticky tape later they were ready to rock n roll!

People began to enter the market and the doubts were setting in, would anyone buy anything?? Would Moon and Rose end up having to haul all our products home after no sales??

They didn’t have to wait very long before they got their first sale!! A happy dance commenced and the sales kept coming, all the doubt left and all the hard work of the previous few weeks was all worth it.

The first day was a blur of fancy coffee, learning how to use a card machine and explaining the four essential oil blends and by the end of the day we had made some good sales and were full of excitement and optimism with sore throats and the idea that going forward we have signs explaining our products. What was great was the learning experience and being able to learn what we could do better!

Day 2

Luckily Moon and Rose had been able to leave the stall set up over night which was a God send for them. The only thing that would have been better would if it had been a bit warmer! Freezing toes and fingers are no joke. The day was busy with lots more sales but by 2pm Moon was definitely flagging, at 5pm Rose sent a very grateful Moon home.

Day 3

Rose is officially a warrior woman, without Moon Rose held the fort on Sunday and made lots more sales.


The 3 day market was a huge success which gave Moon and Rose confidence in themselves and their products and gave them the push to keep going. It was a brilliant experience and something neither of them had had any experience of before but it definitely helped ignite the passion for the products and the passion for bringing affordable luxury to people who appreciate it.


©MoonandRoses. All rights reserved.

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